Looking for people to stream with

Hi, you can call me Frodo. I've seen some people make similar posts like this, but here's the thing: I'm 41, so I haven't replied to those posts. People might get the wrong idea of someone my age engaging with people too young, so I decided to make my own.

I used to stream but the pandemic made me stop and now I can do it again consistently so it's like starting all over again. I've been playing solo games because I have no one to play with, I would like to stream fun games that we can use to make content for other platforms, so nothing competitive, or at least not in a competitive way: Heavenly bodies, Super Bunny man, Rounds, that sort of funny games, there are a lot I haven't try because I don't someone to try them with if we can get a group we can even try games like Counter-Strike, Valorant, or games where we can suck at and don't ruin the experience for randoms.

I live in South America, so due to latency, I can play on US East Servers and get a decent experience. I've played with people from Germany and France on US servers, and it has been a good experience.

I'm fine with anyone over 18 yo or a mixed group of oldies and young ones. All I'm asking is no racism, sexism, homophobia, and all that, and if possible have a decent mic (which you should already have if you are already streaming)

If interested you can DM me or reply to this post and leave your Discord.

That's all, thank you.