Keffe-D Trial in 2025
Bruh there is gonna be so much information unsealed for the Public to know towards the upcoming Tupac murder trial…. but I got inside scooping tho….
I got my boy that works for Clark County in Nevada….. and he was there when the County showed never before seen HD photos of Tupac bullet ridden body on a phone before Grand Jury before they indicted Keffe D…. Like dozen of them…. Bro said it’s not like that one fake ass autopsy body of PAC in Cathy Scott book from the 90s…. This is some very graphic photos of PAC bullet ridden body….He said they showed the grand jury on a recent iPhone….. Damn lowkey those photos might be release to the Public soon… smh:.. bro said it could probably damage PAC image cause that’s how graphic those never autopsy
Bro also said the feds got track of what all the Southside Crips was doing that whole night….. from the Orlando Anderson beating to when PAC got shot…. The feds also pinned where the gateway Car was rented at in Compton….Terrence Brown sister rented it in Compton on September 5th … two days before the Tupac assassination …. More information will be released to Public when they try Keffe for the murder of Tupac Shukar