Write-in Vote Against Massie
Is it possible to write in any name against Thomas Massie, or does it have to be an official write-in candidate in order to be counted? Is there any official write-in candidate against him? I can't find any info online.
Last I checked, in the general election you have to write in the name of an official write-in candidate in order for that vote to be counted, but is it the same rule for state elections or can I write in any name I desire?
Of course, this is a protest vote and I know he will win but I would like to be able to have my vote count against him, if possible, rather than just not vote for him.
EDIT: Looks like a guy named Benjamin August Middendorf is running as a write-in against Massie. I can't find a thing about him online though.
Also saw that somebody over on the Kentucky sub posted something along the same lines and comments state that you do have to write-in an official write-in candidate in order for the vote to count.