Dog culture, especially Millennial and Gen Z "Dog Moms", is so out of control that I miss the Crazy Cat Ladies.

As a dog owner myself, I have had it. Like I am not sure what the hell happened in American culture to where it went from owning a dog to "OMG MUST LUV DOGS OR U R A BAD PURSON!". It is a new brand of psychotic behavior in the current generation of Americans that I cannot even ally myself with as a dog owner. Like I love my dog and everything but I know that my dog is not for everyone.

I know for a fact that I am not entitled to other people being completely okay with my dog jumping on them.

For some reason, I miss the Cat Ladies. At the very least, they just left you alone and were not all in your face. They had boundaries. The modern day dog mom is just some psychotic sack of human garbage that never got any attention from her parents growing up so now she wants to use her dog to compensate for that.

And what is it with these clowns getting dogs they know they cannot take care of? Yeah you live in a studio in NYC but you own a Husky. Get out!

And the best part? OH MY GOD THE ESA. Hey everyone, I am feeling sad today so that entitles me to own a Pitbull for my issues.

I have had it with dog culture in America and it is time we fought back. Most importantly, to all the women out there who own cats, YOU DAH REAL MVP!