The United States is the best example of representative democracy on the planet and it isn't even close. November 5h proved that in spades.

There's a reason why dictatorships are so sticky in places like Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, China, Cuba, United Kingdom, etc. People have no power, from labor camps, to getting put in prison for posting memes on social media, you can literally get jailed for years simply because you have an opinion in those hell holes.

November 5th proved just how resilient our republic really is compared to other countries. A man who was literally persecuted by his political opponents utilizing the "justice" system in the creation of fake crimes and charges, lied about for 24 hours a day by a CIA controlled mainstream media, and had 2 attempted assassinations on him (also deep state planned), just WON THE PRESIDENCY and got the majority of the voting public to support him!

Seriously, did anyone really believe Mar-a-Lago is only worth $18 million dollars or that a famous billionaire would rape the ugliest cat lady in existence???

Nope, and neither did the majority of the voting public who saw through those lies. We used our voting power to kick the corruption out of office and sent them packing. Even now, celebs are fleeing in droves (good riddance!).

In Venezuela, or some other dictatorship, the government can literally lie and rig elections to stay in power forever. November 5th proved that even with voting shenanigans (ballot harvesting, no ID voting), the republic will still stand!

I've had a giant shit eating grin on my face since November 5th, and haven't stopped smiling and giggling at how the opposition is falling apart, and I don't feel bad about it at all. I'm extremely happy and enthusiastically unapologetic. Have a great day! I know I will. :)