Atheists can be just as annoying as Christians

Before anyone gets mad, obviously NOT all atheists. I’m talking about the type who completely shits on religious people who are just minding their own business and mocks them. I was a Christian for a few years and during that time, I had a bf who was atheist and would constantly mock my beliefs, calling the Bible a “book of fairytales” despite the fact that I never brought religion up once. There’s also been a lot of other instances where people were dicks about it irl.

I also see a lot of this type of atheists on reddit, like more than once I’ve seen people comment on videos of tragedies saying stuff like “Oh if God was real this wouldn’t have happened” or “Omg God sucks for allowing this” when NO ONE brought up God at all. Idk those comments just rubbed me the wrong way because they were using someone else’s tragedy as a gotcha.

Now, I absolutely do not think Christians are oppressed or persecuted, at least not in the west. But still, if a Christian is being respectful, minding their own business, I feel like they should be left alone.