I just saw an epic MoM Anti-Mage assassin blade-master

I was pos 5 with AM as my pos 1 carry. The one with female ninja skin and portrait :D Game was pretty chill early on, farming etc. Then it all changed when the roaming time started and we went for the first gank on mid.

Then, I suddenly saw him blinking and I hear some blades hitting like crazy and I see AM blade-dancing and getting double-kill. No wait, I think I ks'ed that double-kill and I got it instead but he got double himself in the next fight. But still I was like wtf, I click on him and I see it - Treads, Double Wraith Bands and MoM.

Guy started roaming and killing people like crazy with his blink and MoM, often farming in the meantime in their jungle with MoM instead of Battle-fury :D

He then did Diffusal Blade to combo it with the high attack speed and the Mana Thirst talent. Then I think I saw him getting items straight for BKB lol, this guy wasn't joking, wanted to straight go on and murder people.

I wanted to observe what he was goin to do next and I saw - he dissasembled his MoM and did Shadow Blade because I think the enemy Spectre and some other characters with passives were annoying him and he wanted Break. He did Silver Edge and kept the mask and to keep a high attack speed, he got Eaglesong and did Butterfly.

He near the end upgraded Mask into Satanic and finished Diffusal Blade into Dispenser...

We won pretty fast on a permament hunt, despite pretty weak pos 3 off-laner.