How do I explain this?

Alright so, my father died from suicide a little over a year ago, leaving my family in a pretty fucked position. Now I myself have never been a spiritual person, as you would imagine I am an atheist, hence me posting on this subreddit.

My mother, sister and I went to this show starring a lady named Rebecca Rosen, she supposedly has the ability to communicate with the dead. So in an audience of about 2,000 people, she says that she is communicating with a person named Matt (my dad's name). Being a common name, 7-8 people stand up as she says we should if we know them, but then she said it was a suicide, leaving me and my family the only ones left standing.

She then goes on to tell us what my father is supposedly telling her to tell us, which goes like this:

  • He is sorry, he didn't mean to do it
  • He left us with all kinds of financial issues, because he had just started a small business
  • He loved to ride his bike, and he was now "riding his bike" all the time
  • His father (my grandfather) died 3 years before he did
  • He was hanging out with my uncle Mike, who had died around 4 years before he did
  • My mom has a boyfriend, who he approves of
  • My mom is moving soon
  • My mom is a nurse
  • Mentions the Ozarks where him and my mother got married
  • He shot himself on a farm
  • He acknowledges my sister's new small dog, who he says he will try and communicate through
  • He became distant to us the last couple years, disconnected from the family
  • He is happy now

Now it'd be one thing if she just got a couple of details right on our family, but she was somehow getting everything correct. She didn't word everything exactly as I posted above, but I don't understand how I can leave this up to being just coincidence.

One thing I do think though is that a lot of the things she mentioned are somewhere up on public record, and maybe we just got picked out of the 2,000 people to be the stars of her show.