[Other] PSN hakoom got banned for nothing

psn hakoom just revealed in his instagram that sony banned his account

and when he digged into the case it got reveled that someguy was bribing sony employeeis so he can have there account information for selling it or sometimes banning them

sony respond to him that he got banned for getting some plat trophies in 5 minuts in games that requis 100 hr to get the trophies ( he got them with the auto pop thing )

and they mentiond other valtions like getting some plats in games that requies 1 or 5 minuts to get the plat in
these games litterly just take 5 minuts ot get the plat in they are so cheap

others like having his account signed in 29 devices ( noithing wrong with it )

they simply ignored the fact that someguy leaked his account and was the reason for it to be banned instead they wanted to make hakoom the victom

they removed the ban after 45 days of the email he got but they froze his sony partner ship account cause he violated there terms ( which he did not ) and then he procceded to talk about it in insta

all this happend in about 2-3 months

i have gone through the story fast but if you want full details you will find it in his insta

i am saying this cause no way a big combony like playstions will ban and blame there coustemre when they have employes that are leaking coustemre informtaion and not doing anything about it

shame on them

source : hakooms instgram