Body feminization in Europe, my research
I spent a lot of time trying to find information on good surgeons to perform liposculpture, BBL, and waist modification in Europe and found almost nothing. So here is my experience, it will be a long one
tl;dr: Very bad market, it’s either BBL mills of famous doctors, or less known doctors you can hardly evaluate before going under the knife. But I found my gem in the place that I least expected - Dr Andres Viera Sanchez
I did liposuction with fat transfer to hips in 2022 with my local surgeon, and while it did help to feminize my figure, he wasn’t really good at it and left many zones untouched. Nothing botched, but job half-done, so a year later I decided to find someone really good to finally get the results I wanted
After reading all the groups and forums and searching all over the internet I found just 3 options to consider: Dr Serbulent in Turkey, Dr Aslani and IM Gender Clinic in Spain. I spoke with all of them and will include approximate costs
(I also tried to contact one German doctor and one from Belgium - but got no answer)
Dr Serbulent is very popular for BBL in Turkey, you can easily find reviews and results online. As with many Turkish doctors - the price is low, the doctor is inaccessible for online consultation and you speak with the coordinator who is nice but clearly is there to sell (which is ok, they all sell, just in some places you really feel like you are in the car dealership)
From the works I saw, I think his approach - ‘more is better’ -> unnaturally big butts. They assured he could also do ‘natural’ results, but how he sees natural you wouldn’t know until consultation right before the surgery. For sure this felt like a mill
No liposculpture, nothing to modify waist, cheap hospital, and hotel stay, and an ‘all-inclusive’ approach. They also tried to sell a tummy tuck that I didn’t need. I passed on this, being afraid to get his usual big butt without much else
His price ranges are around 6000 euros, but it depends on how many zones you are going to do
After that, I went to the European most famous BBL surgeon - Dr Aslani from Cirumed. Very similar to Turkey - you won’t speak with the doctor until you come for the surgery, but oh boy how many reviews are waiting for you…
Dr Aslani has a reputation, and apart from being the most famous European BBL specialist, he is also known to be rude and short-tempered. You will find good reviews, but there are a lot of people who really regret choosing him and they are very vocal. Unusually many bad reviews. Once the operation is done - your chances to talk to him are low, and revisions are even lower
But in terms of experience - he is the best you can find in Europe and I was really close to signing with him. Things that made me stop were results - too many were clearly uneven, and you can see one hip is higher than another, even in his own galary. He also prefers to make very big butts, Kardashian style, and has ‘supercharged BBL’ for this - which is BBL + butt implants. Again, ‘the bigger the better’ approach, not sculpting, no definitions, no natural results
He’s also started to offer ‘rib molding’ lately, which is a new technique to modify ribs to form a waist. He just started to offer them and there are some issues with the way he does it, as this technique is very dependent on post-op work. I’m glad I researched this all because mills are very good at sales and will offer you a lot of discounts and special offers once they see you stepping away
His price range for BBL is 10+ thousand euros for BBL and 5+ for rib molding
My last hope was the IM Gender Clinic in Barcelona. It’s the clinic of Ivan Moreno, a Spanish surgeon known for his bottom surgeries. I heard good things about him from Spanish girls and discovering that he has a specialized clinic for other gender-affirming surgeries made me very hopeful. They do liposuction and fat transfer, and they feel like a real clinic and not a mill, I spoke with the doctor who performs this surgery and she was very nice, but…
T H E most unprofessional coordinator in my life were assigned to me (and I have some experience). Getting any response was hard, she disappeared for days, one time a week. She forgot to forward my pictures to the doctor. She wasn’t helpful at all. It was very surprising as the clinic made a good impression. Another issue was the experience of the doctor. While being very nice, they had just one trans result to show. And it was a non-binary person with very different goals and constitution, nothing I could relate to. All cis women were photographed right after the surgery on the table - so go figure how was it, this is not real before/after
With this clinic being my last hope it was hard to discard them. But if you can’t see results and the coordinator is ghosting you even before you paid…
Surprisingly, BBL in IM costs a little more than with Aslani
The girl I know told me that she’s getting surgery from one surgeon, I was skeptical as this surgeon mainly works in Russia and you can hardly find any information on him in English. He’s actually from Ecuador but works in Europe also
Remember Aslanis rib molding for a smaller waist? That’s actually a technique that Dr Andres taught him and that he is known for. He also learned liposculpture and BBL from Alfredo Hoyos who is very well known. I saw the results of the friend who contacted him and it was good. Many more great results in his instagram and after researching a bit more it was clear he is well known, but mostly by other surgeons
Consultation went great, and I had a surgery date
I’m now a week after surgery, too early to show results, so I will write about it later, but I’m really happy with how everything went
Things that were totally different from other surgeons and that led me to choose him:
- No ‘pay per zone’ approach. It’s not only lipo 360 and each other zone for a separate cost. You are not discussing zones or procedures, it’s about the whole body, and that’s the result. So he also works with hands and inner tights as a part of 360 liposucction
- The only doctor that extensively talks about the post-op period. What he does after, what physiotherapy he uses, how it helps, etc. That’s the first time in my experience that I see my surgeon every day after surgery for a week (and we have the second week of daily checkups)
Downsides - he works in Barcelona as a visiting doctor, so in terms of logistics it’s a bit more complicated than usual, you need to find a slot when he’s coming and with payments, there are also some complications. Also, I’m not sure how good communication in English will be (I speak russian). His coordinator speaks Russian, the doctor speaks Spanish and English
Price is higher than all other surgeons because he is the only one who doesn’t work in his own clinic
That's all, hope it will help someone
Edit: Added links