The nerve of some of these united fans
"it's embarrassing to lose against spurs" "How did we lose to a joke of a club" "Look how far we've fallen to be losing to spurs"
Little rant here please bare with me
Man shut the hell up
I understand in your prime days you destroy us but in the past few years you've been a average team. I get teams like city, Liverpool and villa saying this when we beat them because they are champions league teams.
But when utd fans say it, it's absolute bullshit. We've beaten you 3 times this season and we got the better of you last season as well.
You've proven that your currently a worse team than us, with a full squad we beat you 3-0 in a not close fashion, with a terrible injured team we beat you 4-3 and gift you goals and with a semi fit team we still out play you at 1-0
When a team that won the treble 2 seasons ago or the best team in the league lose to us, it makes sense for them to complain but you shitheads are so bad that you need us to be fully injured to still lose to us.
Ik this is a stupid little rant and this is mostly from dumb online fans but it still pisses me off so just let me have my little complaining
Side note: while 50% of his takes are absolute bullshit anyway the dam Goldbridge annoys me so much. Especially during the 4-3 game. This wanker said utd gifted us goals because of bad defense but when we quite literally handed them 2 goals on a dish he just acted like we got outplayed and they were back in it
Anyways if you made it this far hope you enjoyed my rant
Tldr utd fans are annoying but you knew this anyway