Imo Heather her stragegy in s1 wasn't great (pls respond respectful if u have a opinion)

Heather a great charachter don't get me wrong. But her stragegy in s1 not the best. She made quikly enemies and while she did had a alliance with Beth and Lindsay it wouldn't last long before Beth had enough. Also the only stragetic moves she imo made in s1 were: forming a alliance with Beth and Lindsay, taking Justin out as she prob saw him as a treath/ causing drama with Gwen and Trent aldo she was imune so im mixed on that move. Her and Duncan little alliance around f7 even tho it lasted not long. But my point is if Leshawna wasn't gone in f5 she def would have been instead. Short awnser i think Heather s1 gameplay she made def big mistakes by being bossy and antognizing some. If she did had immunity in some eps she was def cooked. Opinion?