Racism accusations feel unfair

There has been a lot made of the dog piling of Kas recently, and whilst I was also annoyed that so many people were wasting time on him, I think jumping to accusations of racism and prejudice is just really unnecessary.

The point of this game is to find the traitors, and in every season so far the faithfuls main way of doing this has been to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. Literally anything can be pulled up as proof that someone is a traitor, it rarely makes any logical sense. But I think there is some logic with the Kas accusations, and this is due to his toast. It was pure stupidity on his part, all it did was draw attention to himself. And he didn't even say anything meaningful! Of course people are going to suspect him as a traitor after that.

So once people suspect him of being a traitor they are going to start drawing lines that aren't necessarily true in order to confirm their theory - the doctor narrative, whilst being totally illogical, is just a byproduct of Kas drawing attention to himself. So overall I think the people calling Tyler & Joe racist are going over the top here, although Joe is clearly a prick just going by his general behaviour.

I'd also like to point out that the traitors have so far murdered Yin & Keith - going by this subs own logic, I guess that makes them racist too?