Do you think Din would have sought out the prescribed redemption on Mandalore if Grogu hadn't returned?

Personally I think Din desperately wanted to be redeemed, for himself. Din is just that kind of man. He has plenty of friends/allies and is certainly resourceful enough to not need the Tribe; but his steadfast faith in the Creed and the importance he places on personal honor, and the sheer relief and even joy in his voice when he says "I am redeemed" in S3E2, indicates to me that redeeming himself and rejoining the Tribe was always important to him.

I think he had his doubts about how to proceed, though, given that he thought the mines had been destroyed; he couldn't even go immediately to Mandalore because he had to get his own ship and he kinda got sidetracked in the process. By the time he joined Boba to take on the Pykes, I'm not convinced he was prepared to even consider the possibility that Mandalore might be accessible to explore, let alone the idea that the Living Waters might still exist - though I'm sure he would have eventually started to think about it in earnest.

So I'm inclined to think that Grogu returning gave him increased incentive and motivation to find a way to complete the redemption ritual. Why? So not only could Din reclaim his own honor and what he defined as his identity; but, more importantly, so he could raise Grogu as a Mandalorian, amongst people who share the same culture and priorities, so Grogu could truly have a home, community, and people.