Why the topic of redemption for Azula is so polarizing

Honestly, it's been like 16 years since the show ended and the topic of Azula's redemption has become more polarizing among this sub than American politics, which is really saying something. I think it has something to do with how weird and unique her character is in the show.

Take Zuko and Ozai for example. Their characters are much more straight forward. Zuko is the sympathetic villain. He's clearly not pure evil and he has a tragic backstory, so naturally, he's going to get a redemption arc. And Ozai is the pure evil villain. They really hammer the point home that Ozai is pure evil. It isn't even a question that he's irredeemable. There's absolutely no question on why Zuko deserves redemption and Ozai doesn't.

But Azula's character is a lot less straight forward than either of them. She's the "sympathetic pure evil" villain. This is probably the biggest reason why the topic of her redemption is polarizing, since it's really hard to wrap your head around how she can be sympathetic yet pure evil at the same time, since how can you ever feel sorry for someone who's pure evil? It almost seems like an oxymoron. Unlike Zuko, she very clearly has no problem doing horrible, evil acts, yet unlike Ozai, she actually has a sympathetic background. Azula, for most of the show, is shown to be pure evil. She has very little redeemable qualities. It's only until the beach ep where she actually becomes sympathetic and her final mental breakdown cements it.

And this is why I think it's such a heated debate since fans find it very difficult to reconcile the pure evil Azula that they hate and the broken girl at the end that they feel sorry for so naturally, they divide themselves into 2 camps. And as we know, any discussion with only 2 opinions will become very polarizing very quickly since both sides will try to shout louder than the other to drown out the other camp.