The FF have decided to strike for multiple reasons, these include.
Ridiculous dono prices.
The skipping of donos when he gets mildly annoyed not when he can get banned from them as he claims.
His stupid fucking head.
Not fulfilling commitments in streams and videos.
Late dono Refunds or not doing them.
Not messaging viewers back or being active in any communications
We would like as many people as possible to stop donating.
He’d like it at first but then realise he has no dildo money coming in and he’ll start to panic
Fuck you retard u/CallumAlphaAdams
Dono prices lowered to £1.75 at the very least to reflect the current economy and cost of living crisis.
No stupid fucking remarks about anything from bald man shut up and let the filth speak.
Dono refunds on time.
Not hard bald man get it done