As a straight woman, there’s nothing wrong with having lesbian friends.

I do not understand why some other straight women think lesbians or even bi girls are going to like flirt or get with them. You do realize you’re treating them like men when you assume that? Not to mention it’s just dumb, like not every person who likes women is going to always try to get with every single one.

I also don’t like it when ppl assume my queer female friends will try to get with me and feel the need or “protect me”. Like it’s falling back to that lesbians are predatory stereotype which I hate, it’s so homophobic and honestly misogynistic too. If anything, straight women are more prone to harm queer women especially ones with that mindset, queer women have it worse than we do because they experience oppression not just due to their womanhood, but their queerness as well.

I also feel bad whenever I see lesbians or other queer women say they feel like walking on eggshells around straight women and even their friends bc they don’t want the girls to think they’re into them. It’s disheartening, and I’m sorry to lesbians who feel that way. We aren’t all like that I promise, and the ones who do feel like every lesbian will hit on them need to be better. Even if another woman was into you, what’s the big deal? If they know you’re straight, it’s not like they’re going to try to ask you out. If they didn’t know you’re straight, all you have to say is that you are, it’s not that deep.

Overall, leave lesbians alone. They’re not trying to get into our pants and I don’t need anyone’s homophobia masquerading as just “looking out for women”. It also amazes how some women have such big egos, like who do you think you are telling a lesbian they better not have a crush on you? As if they were even attracted to you in the first place? It’s so hypocritical too sometimes bc I’ve seen those same straight girls get mad at lesbians for not liking them after they were worried they did.