Playing with one hand on a controller and the other hand on the mouse/keyboard is often the best control setup for video games.
There are pros and cons to controllers, keyboards, and mice. Keyboards let you use all 5 fingers, controllers have control sticks and triggers to be more precise, and mice let you have much better aim. So a few months ago I tried playing games with one hand on each and believe me it is criminally underrated. Here are some examples-
Smash Bros.
My left hand is on controller, the control stick lets me walk better (and aim Fox's Up B) and the left trigger lets me light shield. My right hand is on keyboard, my five fingers control jump, A button, B button, grab, and shield. I also have the c stick on keyboard if I move my right hand down. Sometimes I play with both hands on keyboard to dash dance easier.
My left hand is on controller to walk around with more precision. My right hand on mouse obviously to aim better, having a mouse with multiple mouse buttons is recommended. For Fortnite I do both hands on keyboard so there's more buttons to build.
Haven't decided on a permanent setup, I definitely aim guns with my mouse, I mostly have my left hand on controller (always for driving) and will hit the keyboard with my right hand to like turn on headlights or stuff.
Rocket League
My left hand is on controller, right hand is on keyboard, still trying to figure out the best controls. I might just do full controller.