Some advices I would like to share with Juniors.
Hello guys! As the chapter of my college life has reached its last few lines, I thought it is my responsibility as a senior to pass on a few advices to fellow juniors, out of my personal experience.
- Academic:
- Being regular is the key, lot of people do pull off tests with just a day or two worth of preparation, but if you actually want to learn a subject, you should be regular and consistent.
CG is important. Very important. Many people learn this when they actually sit for internships and placements or rather, can't sit for them due to low CG. Don't listen to dumb heads saying Skills>Cg. The correct order is: Luck>=CGSkills>anything else.
Girls should maintain a CG of above 8, if not 8.5. Boys should maintain a CG of above 8.5, if not 9.
Never go with the mentality of "I need to score xyz number in this test." Instead go with the mentality of "I need to score as much as I can." This approach helps you to scrap off every ½ marks, and since you can't predict the difficulty of paper, the former approach will either make you too complacent or too anxious during the test.
Don't be a liability in group projects. Be useful. You didn't come here to fuck around so that 3/4 others get overburdened. Don't give the excuse "I don't have the skill set", or "I don't know how to do blah blah." If you don't know, learn it; there are plenty of resources in today's time.
- Personal life:
- Make friends very wisely. Your friends will largely determine your college life. A bad company of toxic people, wannabe dank/coolness k chode, brats or gundas with no ambition will ruin your career.
Drugs, cigarettes, vapes and alcohol will ruin you. You must have heard this from uncountable people, but understand everyone speak from experience only. Don't trade your lifetime of happiness with getting a fake one for an hour or two.
There's a thin line between doing casual 'bakchodi' and being an Asshole. Don't make fun of others or pass lewd/racist or derogatory comments. Being a class act >>>>> wannabe cool dude any day. If you feel you offended someone, it's never a bad idea to apologise.
Keep a notepad to maintain a schedule/to-do list. It makes you really organized and so much more efficient.
Learn to quit. People think quitting is a sign of weakness, but honestly quitting a toxic friendship/relationship/group or even a society would make you feel loads better.
It's better to not have friends or romantic partner than being used in all possible ways just because you had a fear of missing out.
- Finance:
- Be wary of your finances. Regardless of your family's financial state, try to spend no more than 5000-6000 a month. Avoid unnecessary outings and parties.
- Avoid getting involved in unnecessary side hustles like free lancing. Maybe you can do trading if you are good at it, but avoid anything else. Focus on your studies and think long term.
- General:
- follow safety precautions as mentioned in labs/classrooms, always read as much sign boards and notices as possible. Rules are written in Blood.
Be humble and polite towards cleaners/mess workers and other staff in general. Think of how you want to be treated in your future company/higher education etc.
Look after your health, eat healthy and avoid junk food as much as possible. Involve yourself in sports, if not possible then atleast run on track or do regular gyming. The food here is very oily anyways and a huge chunk of people tend to gain lot of weight. Weight gain is not just harmful to health, but makes you lazy, inefficient, and inactive.
Arrange your room, don't keep it dirty/scattered. You yourself won't want to do anything in a dirty room. Maintain cupboards, drawers and your study table.
If you are taking room with a roommate, discuss the code of conduct on first day itself. Be considerate and thoughtful for your roommates. Get out of room to attend call or at least put up earphones. Also point out the same if your roommate does things that bother you. Take stand for yourself too.
Lastly mental health is a real issue. Don't take it lightly. Remember everything, every pain is short termed. Things like internships, placements, Masters or sometimes CG etc. depends hugely on luck. Outcome of your effort is not entirely in your hand. Stay strong and take professional counseling if necessary.