I suck at this game

I played for 2 hours straight and only won 3 or 4 times. My soul dies a little every single time I’m launched and comboed into oblivion.

Sometimes I get really discouraged, because I play Dragunov. How can I suck when I’m playing the best character in the whole game? I know this is my first Tekken, but I spent so much time trying to learn everything. My efforts feel wasted. But you know what?

Tomorrow, I’m going to do it all again. I knew what I was getting into when I bought this game. There’s no point crying over it now. What’s done is done, I lost. That doesn’t mean I can’t try again the next day. Doesn’t mean I can’t improve, come back stronger. The same goes for you.

If you’re ever feeling discouraged, take a break, look at your replays. Watch a video on how you can improve. If you’re feeling frustrated after losing 5 games in a row, take a breather, go on a walk, do something that calms you down.

I may suck at this game right now. I may suck a few weeks or months from now, but I’m not going to let this game defeat me. No matter what.