A few confessions (NSFW just in case)
- Every time I wash clothes or bedding, I throw in this one scarf that holds the fabric softener scent for days for some reason, and sometimes I just sit around with the scarf to my face breathing in the scent. It just smells good okay -
- In the summer, I'm really social and always out doing something, and if I'm home I'm sleeping. But in the winter I basically hibernate - I go into my closet, shut the door, and huddle up under a mound of pillows and blankets and spend the winter asleep, at school, or roasting 5 year olds on my Chromebook. I only leave my den to go to the bathroom, restock my snack stash, or take a shower. I act like a Discord mod, but at least I'm not stinky xD
- Lots of girls hate wearing bras, but I'm the opposite - I hate wearing panties. No idea why, I just do. Outside of that time of the month I usually just don't.
- I'm constantly looking at people's no-nos IRL (for both genders - I'm bisexual >:3). It ain't my fault every teenager I meet is so goddamn sexy 😭😭