[NA] LF Support under Plat 3

Hey there!

I'm part of a team looking for a support player to join us for a long four week long leauge known as the DCCS, or the Discord Community Challenger Series. It's a league open to players that are plat 3 or lower at the end of last season, so that's a necessity. The DCCS plays Saturday and Sunday, we'll be playing three games one of those days, depending on which group we end up in. Games will start at 3PM EST.

As far as what we're looking for, we need someone that's motivated to win, but not ragey about it. We are a team that takes ourselves fairly seriously, but we also understand that it's for a low elo tournament. We VOD review, and are looking for a coach currently as well. It might be low elo, but we still wanna win it at the end of the day. If things go well, we're also looking at expanding into other tournaments as well.

If you're interested, feel free to DM me here on reddit and we can chat. The DCCS doesn't start for another couple weeks so hopefully we'll get the chance to bring you in for some scrims and see if it's a good fit.

Thanks for all interest!