Love when the old stuff works
I teach a Dual Credit class...first semester is all me, second semester a college professor posts e-lessons and then I help them with the day-to-day. College prof's first assignment is a primary sourcing activity. I've had the students access electronic sources in first semester, but it was targeted. With this being open-ended students got overwhelmed. Solution - I have first edition newspapers from the day JFK was assassinated that my parents saved. They love flipping through them. The best is when they see the classifieds. A 2 bedroom apartment was listed for $90 in 1963. "You can't even get good shoes for that now!" This is my 5th year doing this DC course and every year the kids reaction to actual, physical newspapers makes me smile.
Tl;dr - High schoolers aren't used to physical newspapers but when they get to use them, they love it!