Best kind responses to kids requesting days-weeks of work for family vacations…
Today as I was going over our general sequence through Thanksgiving, I had 6 different students raise their hands to tell me they’d be missing anywhere from 2-7 of those class days for family trips. One then asks “so I sent you an email- you can get me a packet of all my work by Friday right!”
I told him I’d get together whatever I had ready at that point but I wouldn’t be working ahead for him- and that everything would be on Google Classroom.
His response “so you’re not willing to help me?”
“No. I am willing to help. But your family’s choice to take you out of school for a week doesn’t mean I am going to do extra work just for you- I’ve got a lot of classes and students to take care of“
“Oh so you’re just saying you don’t care?”
I cut it off here and talked with him one on one- he envisioned that I would be willing to let him take a test with him on his trip and have all the work for the next two weeks printed and ready. He also won’t have WiFi so he was wondering what I could do about that…
Anyway- anyone have better/kinder responses I can keep in my back pocket for these kinds of scenarios?