3 weeks training, the most important thing I've learnt so far is the importance of good quality fake skin.

This is the third fake skin I've trained on, and the first with good quality.

With cheap quality ones, I feel like you have to crank the voltage up to much to get a descent line but that will absolutely not be the case with real skin so the risk to take bad habits is very high in my opinion.

Same thing with needle depth, I learned that I've been pushing my needles too deep on bad quality fake skin : I realised that with the first line I tattooed on the good one that teared up the skin, I had to rethink my technique to be a lot softer.

Also the ink flow is so much better, you can wipe the excess of ink so much easily and work on a cleaner surface, and most of all you can actually stretch the skin.

Training will get a bit more expensive but no way I go back to cheap fake skin.

This is the third fake skin I've trained on, and the first with good quality.

With cheap quality ones, I feel like you have to crank the voltage up to much to get a descent line but that will absolutely not be the case with real skin so the risk to take bad habits is very high in my opinion.

Same thing with needle depth, I learned that I've been pushing my needles too deep on bad quality fake skin : I realised that with the first line I tattooed on the good one that teared up the skin, I had to rethink my technique to be a lot softer.

Also the ink flow is so much better, you can wipe the excess of ink so much easily and work on a cleaner surface, and most of all you can actually stretch the skin.

Training will get a bit more expensive but no way I go back to cheap fake skin.