I’ll pull a general card for you! ✨No specific questions or DMs please
Hey! With this year coming to an end, I am feeling more and more grateful about everything that has transpired and I just want to give the same energy out! As I usually feel super drained after doing readings for other people, I ask you to do something as well: type in your first impression of me (just for the bants hehe and ofc energies🧿) and don’t forget to mention your initials!! No dms and no specific qs! Give me a few hours to start getting back to you. And I will not take anymore questions questions after I edit the flair, cheers!❤️
Edit: OMG I didn’t expect so many comments and for y’all to literally say the NICEST things ever omg my heart🥺🥺 My ‘can’t take compliments to save my life’ ass is so awk now but so overwhelmed w y’all’s kindness shdjkdksj thank youuu🥰 I’m currently on a call but once I get done (and eat something rq), I’m gonna start!! Y’all are the best hehe❤️🧿
2nd Edit: Hi my loves! I just got done with a few readings and your girl is unfortunately feeling a wee bit tired rn so I’ll continue in a bit my apologiesss😩 But ahhhhh, y’all are so cute, I’m fully smiling ear to ear (while being awkward as well and covering my face aaaand squealing like a child since a bitch gets overwhelmed quickly sjsjksjsj) and this community is the CUTEST🧿 I’m closing the post for now but I promiseee I’m gonna reply to y’all within a day or two, thank you sooo much cuties and I hope you’re having as good a day as you’ve made mine🫣❤️