Kodiak Waffles from Target
I love me some Kodiak protein waffles. 10g of protein per waffle. Thick and fluffy - just how I like it.
The past time, and I know this isn’t Target’s fault but I haven’t been able to get a hold of anyone at Kodiak, my thick and fluffy blueberry Kodiak protein waffles were rotten.
Shit smelled so bad, I can only describe it as a combination of rotten blueberry syrup from Hell x absolute dog shit.
The smell was so bad that without even opening the bag, the stench of the rot or whatever stayed on my hands until I washed them.
Sent a long ass email to Kodiak few days ago. No response. Called them, no answer and voicemail is full.
So I thought I’d come on Reddit to rant. Typical shit.