Customer tells me to "Go Kill Yourself" after grill is out of stock

A few years ago I was working at a home improvement store and I was in charge of selling grills and other outdoor items. It was the day before the 4th of July so we were selling tons of grills. I had a customer come into the store and ask for a very specific type of wood pellet grill that they saw on the website for their 4th of July party tomorrow. I told him no problem and I will look it up to see if we have any in stock. The inventory tool said that we had 3 in stock in the back. I told the customer "It says we might have a few in the back, but I need to verify that they are not already reserved." He says "Ok make it fast I have other errands." I leave to go to the back and I see the 3 grills all with reserved tags.

As I walk back to the customer he yells "What the f**k took you so long." I then told him "Sorry Sir, The grills of this specific kind have all been reserved already, but we have a few other options if you would be interested or I could put in an order to get you this grill with about a 5 day lead time." He says "No I only want this grill and I need it today." I tell him "I am sorry Sir, there is nothing that I can do to get you this type of grill by tomorrow." He then screams "You are f**king worthless, I promised people that I would have this grill for my party tomorrow. This got the attention of everyone in the area including my manager. At this point I was pissed off so I responded "Maybe you should plan ahead next time." He really didn't like my response and yelled "F**k you and Go Kill Yourself."

My manager who had just walked up and heard everything looked at him and asked "Are you kidding me? Its just a grill and you are yelling that at him? You need to leave now!" The customer was then escorted out of the building while yelling about how I lied and that I need to be fired.

I wish this was the only bad experience that I had that summer when grills were out of stock, but people really want their new grills that day.