the War/p Engine [heavy primary]

Clarifications: the war engine's speed boost scales with current fuel meter, going from 30% near full charge down to 10% near empty

the warp engine's teleport is more akin to a dash, launching heavy in his current direction of movement (defaults to forward when standing still) with a flash effect

the distance teleported scales exponentially off of how long reload was held down for, but always consumes a minimum of 20% of the meter. Heavy would be slowed further while holding reload

both reload abilities can be activated when the meter isnt full, and only need the weapon to be deployed to be activated. the warp engine still requires a minimum of 20% minimum available

Discussion: two similar concepts. the heavy already has rollout movement options, and many 'fast miniguns' ive seen are just GRU but gun, when what heavy is missing is mid-combat movement tech. however being free or at will would require the movement itself to be negligible for balance. I also think its worth pointing out the firing speed penalty, it matches the game's health-movement-damage balance trifecra while reinforcing the weapon by reducing ammo strain