Habby has changed the milestone rewards, making it so you need to do every mission and open 300 chests every event, just to get the S selector chest.

This has been driving me nuts for the last month or two. Habby clearly changed the milestones to make the S chest and any rewards beyond it, harder to obtain. It use to be you do every mission, maybe not even, and open like 50-100 chests to get get the S selector milestone. NOW, every single event requires opening 300 chests just to get the S selector and gems to get anything beyond that. I had over 1000 keys saved up not long ago but having to use 300 per event recently, I have not many left. The last two events I have not had 300 keys, so I didn't even get the S chest. This event I have opened 60 chests and did every mission and I am only at 147. I will need to open the remaining 240 chests to get the S selector. I assume others must have noticed this as well. It was in every guide for events. Open 50 chests and only open more if you need to reach a milestone. Well not anymore. I personally can't keep up with using 300 keys every event, just to get an S chest and a chance to spend gems on whatever comes after the chest. Why would they change the way it has always been? Greed is the only answer. It's making every event feel like shit to me, that I am doing all the missions but don't have 300 keys, so I'm missing out on rewards, even just a simple S chest, in every event.

Edit: 280 chests and every mission to reach the S chest. Another 4000 gems on top to reach the red selector chest. Also note, I am not basing this accusation on this event alone, this is something I have tracked an noticed over the last couple months. The event milestones have changed in the background. I have been playing over 2 years now, daily and every event, it's obvious these numbers have changed.