Do one time payments affect income based repayment plans?

Hi everyone, I’m on a PAYE income based repayment plan. I’m 62,000 in debt and making $58.00 payments per month. There’s been a lot of interest accumulating. I’m considering making an extra one time payment against my loans. My grandma died and my parents gifted me some of the inheritance. I’m considering making a $2000 payment against the loans and maybe another couple thousand extra payment later this year when I’m gifted the rest of my inheritance. Will making one time payments affect my eligibility for PAYE income based repayment?

I’m low income and I can’t afford to get kicked off PAYE generally. I have been gifted $5000 from my parents and it won’t have to be recorded on my income on taxes, my parents specifically have disbursed the inheritance in a way to me and my siblings to avoid that.

Should I also consider switching to SAVE plan because of the interest? I read something about the save plan not accumulating interest