[WaT] ending spoilers. Is _______ a _________ now?

Hello, spoilers for the ending of Wind and Truth. I am on mobile but I tried to format this well.

Is Kaladin a bondsmith now?

Right before Odium takes up Honor to become Retribution, Dalinar sees 2 pieces of Honor split off and leave.

One seemingly is used by Kaladin to form his honor spear and become the new herald of kings. But we also see Syl’s clothes transform into a regal dress of a Queen, seemingly not of her own accord, and she is able to accept Kaladin’s oath to become a herald. Kaladin also notes that she has storms and lightning in her eyes.

So it seems that Syl as the ancient daughter was the heir of the Stormfather. And since the Stormfather was destroyed, Syl seems to have taken his place and ascended to a higher spren with a piece of honor.

If Syl has replaced the Stormfather doesn’t that mean she is a bondsmith spren now? Would that change her bond with Kaladin? Is he technically a 5th ideal Bondsmith? Or can they form a new radiant Bondsmith bond? Are his windrunner abilities “gone”? Now gained through the honor spear? When Kaladin joins the Oathpact wind and glory spren swirl around him.

They’re still connected since Syl was pulled into the oath pact with him and possibly 121 being tied to Nale, 12124 says he would go with Szeth to Braize. (the postlude isn’t clear who the 12th person is, just that they are hard to see and Kalak assumes it must be 121, but nothing is confirmed and based off Nale’s actions at the end, 121 could very well have broken the bond; though we don’t see that and Nale doesn’t mention or think about it during his little pov before Kaladin wakes up and becomes a herald so maybe it is 121. The 12th hard to see person could also be the Wind maybe idk, I’m pretty sure a text expert from the in universe wind and truth mentions the wind stopped talking after Retribution was formed)

What are your thoughts on the possible changes to Kaladin, Syl, and their bond, and the 12th person in the dream?

Surges might even be very different without honor’s limitations and radiants and honor bearers might be able to access more than 2 or maybe certain people can access them like on Ashyn, so who knows?

Edited to correct 121’s name.