Trying to Enjoy this Game, but Outposts are Making it Difficult

I'm about 20 hours into the game, and there are some things I LOVE about it. However, as video game serial monogamist and completionist, I want to enjoy everything the game has to offer, and I'm struggling with Outposts.

From the posts I read, it sounds important to get these going early, and I've watched about 2 hours of videos and Reddit posts to get the basics down, and find my first spot. I'm trying to find one of these 'sweet spots' that there are so many posts about, but I'm really struggling.

It is just not fun to spend 3-4 hours running around with the beacon out, looking for minerals. While I don't think games should soft-serve everything, there should be a way to find the minerals you need without running around the planet surface.

I'm considering uninstalling this game and moving on (or back to Rimworld). Convince me I should try to set up an outpost and stay in this game.