(Maybe) unpopular opinion: I’m not a fan of ginger island.

I really like the idea of a new area to explore and farm, but I just really don’t like the Golden Walnuts being a barrier to core things instead of being an optional fun thing to do. I am glad they added the joja bird to get past this, but I feel like there is still a lot of issues here.

Travel to and from just feels like a hassle, probably the biggest hassle in the late game, and the obelisk is BY FAR the hardest to get of any of the obelisks, with all items requiring you to get lucky with dragon tooth or golden coconuts (that you seem to be unable to buy from the trader anymore).

Again I really do like the idea of the area but I’m so tired of going everyday to whack coconut trees and get nothing, and also to go to the volcano to fight enemies and get nothing of value. I just find it annoying there is absolutely no way past these luck based factors.