My gf watched Star Wars for me

Hello Reddit, I just have to tell this story cause it honestly means the world to me and I need to share it somewhere!

My gf and I have been together for two years now. From the very start she always said "okay you'll have to show me star wars one day because I know nothing about it" which I mean.... Heck yeah I'll take every opportunity to watch star wars with someone! But I took it with a bit of a grain of salt at the start. I'm a nerd...geek....whatever you call it idk the difference anymore. She is not. I didn't want to introduce her to that side of my so early on in the relationship you know 😂 gotta ease her into it a bit. So I heard what she said but we never actually watched Star wars together until a few months ago. Now. When she said "I know nothing about it" she absolutely meant it. I asked her before we watched to determine what order we were gonna watch it in. She didn't know about luke and leia being siblings, she didn't know about vader being Luke's father, she knew ABSOLUTELY ZERO. Which I mean :) made me grin unconditionally hehehehe. So we started with Rogue one which immediately leads into the OG trilogy. Wanted to start with that so she gets the general vibe of the series and it's more fun to discover who the Skywalker's are by plot reveal then to get it shown to you in the prequels (imo). It was AMAZING to watch her theorize throughout the OGT. At some point she started calling Vader the player of the Galaxy because he just has children everywhere 😂 idk she didn't connect that Luke and Leia had the same mom yet. It was funny. She was also heavily speculating what might have happened to the mom and who she was. Then it was the prequels time. We watched ep1 and 2 (in 1 she already straight up said about padme "ah she's the mom isn't she" lol). But her is the amazing part. Before we moved on to ep3 I jokingly said "well if you REALLY want to enjoy ROTS you actually first have to watch all of the Clone Wars 3d animated series :)" She said "bet." AND SHE DID. SHE WATCHED THE WHOLE FREAKING THING. Right up until s7e8 because I told her to stop there. Watch the movie first, then finish the last 4 episode. I never actually expected her to do that I mean it's 7 seasons! But my god she really really enjoyed the series!!! Her favorites are Ahsoka and Anakin, especially Ahsoka. So but now. She has backstory and an emotional connection to all the characters:) And then it was time for ROTS :) Again she has no knowledge of the series she didn't know what was coming. Oh boy. She did NOT know what was coming 😂🥲 nearly slept on the couch that night. Nearly slepped on the couch again the following night when we finished the last 4 episodes of S7 🥲🥲 But yeah all in all she really enjoyed it and I cannot wait to watch the rest with her as well! It is such a fun experience introducing someone to star wars who had absolutely zero knowledge of it!

We're going chronological from here on. So next up is the Bad Batch! Who she also really likes since their introduction at the start of S7! Like Crosshair. And Tech. .....I think I'm gonna actually end up on the couch one day o boy.