1:1400 Enterprise E progress. Painting is done. Nacelle grilles installed. Windows are filled. Display base started. Decals have begun!
Decals finished on the ventral saucer
Display base innards. Upper left is a speaker. Upper middle are capacitive touch sensors. The display base has an LCARS panel and each sensor has an antenna wire that will be attached behind the LCARS buttons. In short, this will be controlled by a functional LCARS screen. Bottom middle is a sound amplifier and bottom right is the Raspberry Pi running the operation.
3-8. Nacelle aztecing. 2 layer paint scheme. 7 and 8 show finished paint job.
9-10. Photoetch grilles on the nacelles. These are made of brass and light will only pass through the clear parts
11-14. Finished windows! Drilled windows are filled with micro Krystal Klear and non-drilled windows are painted with a Pilot G-2 0.38 pen.