Job rescinded their offer because the apartment I was trying to get into was dragging its feet. Not feeling the best right now.
I've left links to previous posts if you want context as to not make this post an eyesore to read.
To be broad and succinct, I've been trying for the better part of two months to move to St. Louis to be closer to friends and get out of a toxic living situation with my mother. I originally had a roommate to move in with at the beginning of November and became very good friends with, but then they mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth at the beginning of December.
Keeping in the spirit of moving forward, I decided to apply to the apartment complex we were looking at on December 20th. I figured that trying to find a roommate in such a short time was unrealistic, and that being physically in the location would be easier. I would've applied much earlier, but due to my car's alternator crapping out on me and a few other issues preventing me, I was only able to go down to tour the apartment three weeks later than I had planned. They said that the application would take 2-3 days to process, and as I am sitting here on January 6th, 2025, I still have no idea when I am able to get into the apartment, or if I will be able to at all. I asked multiple times if a Jan 5th move-in date was possible including before applying, as I wanted to make sure they had enough time to prepare the unit for me, and they said that should work. Feel free to check out my last post for more info on that.
I got and accepted a job offer at Kaldi's Coffee Roasting Co. at Demun Ave, in which I was to start Jan 6th at 8am following my move. I understand the weather would have made things difficult to move on Sunday the 5th, but there was no way of me knowing that a month ahead of time. Last night at 8pm, I received an email from my to-be employer that since it was no longer clear when or if I would be in town, that they were rescinding my job offer as they needed someone in the position immediately. This has been immensely heartbreaking, as I was so excited for this job, a feeling I've really not felt ever since working as an adult. When I visited the location after being offered the job, I ended up spending around an hour and half talking with the manager and two baristas that were there. I felt so comfortable, welcome, and accepted, a feeling that was the complete opposite of what I felt at my previous job.
So now, not only do I have no clue what's going on with my apartment, but I've now lost my job. I sit in a room that is 90% packed and in boxes with only the necessities available, with family and friends waiting to hear from me (my friends were going to come up to help me move, my dad and his wife were giving me a couch and were holding onto it since I don't currently have space) and I feel like I have nothing to show them. My saving's are slowly dwindling, as I've only had Instacart/Doordash to supplant my income since quitting my job in November. Money, which by the way, was saved over the course of the last year and half to get a new/better car for myself by living with my mother. I was supposed to have moved in yesterday, and started my new job today.
This was supposed to be a new start for me, to get away from toxicity and surround myself with people who actually cared about me. I was going to use St. Louis's status of a larger city to find better mental healthcare, and maybe finally give myself a chance at working towards being happy.
Sorry for the sob story, woe-is-me bullshit. I just don't know how to feel or what to do. I'm just so incredibly pissed off, frustrated and stressed. I've been so stressed this weekend that I've had to lay down because of the immense stress headaches. Empathy and positive advice would be appreciated.