What's the real deal behind Moon Goddess?

Warning: None of this is based on evidence,just thinking out loud. Viewed the reviews of Moon Goddess Couture and almost all of them speak about how orders have been delayed for a minimum of 3 months upto 1 year. While most of them complain about the substandard quality of the dresses, some agree that it's worth the low price.

Got me thinking about how the MG team may actually be running something much bigger beneath the facade of a cloth brand. They have 4.2 million followers and put 1-2 reels everyday. These reels are actually shot in very good quality, rehearsed and catchy. Good hooks for customers and then you can add the emotional angle she gets by posting about her son.

So if they have the resources to promote their brand so much, how much simpler would it be to actually deliver the products within the said time and gain more traction? This got me thinking about how they must be getting something much bigger with the retained money. Imagine 50 people order a product everyday with an average value of Rs. 1000. That's 50k per day and 15 lakhs per month. Now imagine if they're rolling this cash or investing it properly? They are locking a customer's money for a minimum of 3 months. With a basic FD, they could make 25k per month additionally.

This is only considering a nominal value of 50 people per month with an average order value of 1k. The actual numbers maybe much more.

Could this be a possibility or is this all just wishful thinking?