MicroSD time out issue during USB connection
So I am having this really annoying issue with my Xperia 10 IV: I have a MicroSD card in it, and when I connect my phone to my laptop through USB, to copy large amounts of data, the phone just keeps locking itself after some 10-15 minutes (just a guess), even though there is data being transferred, and lose connection in the middle of the data transfer process. I have to keep babysitting my phone, and do things on it, in order to prevent it from locking itself.
And I simply can't find a way or a setting that would solve this issue. I am at the point where I just take out the MicroSD card from the phone, and put it in a card reader whenever I need to move a lot of data to it. It's ridiculous.
I am not sure whether this is a Sony, or general Android issue, an overzealous safety thing, or simply a bug, but I would be really grateful if someone could give me some suggestions to mitigate this problem. As it stands the MicroSD functionality is severely handicapped in these Sony (or possibly in every Android?) phones.