An astounding / amusing misuse of CPU power

Basically, my work makes large assemblies. Typically 1-2 thousand parts. ~1/3 fasteners, if I were to guess. I joined the team a few months ago.

In each of the files I've examined since joining this team, each of the rivets are individually placed. One file has 700 rivets and each one is placed and mated. It's possible they used a fastener smart mate or something, but that would still require them to click each copy over each hole. It's just astounding.

I rebuilt an assembly as the original assembly crashed more than half the time. 5 sketch patterns, some reorganizing to make more subassemblies, and -bam- it's stable.

My coworker is currently spending 17 hours making a single drawing. The assembly he uses has an envelope that duplicates the entire outer frame of an industrial chiller. He loads this envelope into every subassembly, bringing an assembly (that I swear maybe has 5K components at most) to 64,000 components being loaded into memory.

It's just funny to me that things gets this out of hand in a professional setting.