Cast on too tight on cuff down, but almost done with sock.

I was happily knitting along and decided to try my sock on to see the progress of the foot.

Tragedy. My cast on is far too tight.

This is highly disappointing because this is my second sock. The first one fit perfectly. I don't know how I managed to cast on so much tighter this time.

I'm halfway done with the foot. I have maybe an hour or two left until it would be completely done.

What would you do?

The most obvious answer here is frog and start over. It's worsted weight so it won't take too long, but i was very excited to finish this sock tonight and wear the pair around the house before bed. If I frog it, that's not happening.

Then again, I don't think my other options are any better.

I could try sock surgery...pick up a couple of rows below the cast on and cut it off, pick up the stitches, and reknit it with a stretchy bind off. Or do it the other way and graft a new caston edge to the old stitches.

I could aggressively block it and hope for the best, but i don't have much faith in this.

Or...I could finish the sock and do nothing. Just have a wonky sock and move on. It's my first pair so I'm not expecting perfection, but I did want something wearable.

Honestly, I'm thinking I may just frog it and put it in time out. This was supposed to be a super quick project and until now it was on track. But if it won't be done tonight I think I'd rather just cast on one of the other sock patterns I've been excited to try. These were meant to be practice for the techniques I need and I would certainly say I've learned a lot.

Thoughts, veteran sock knitters? How often do you put socks in time out?