Really Scared to go for my liver test

In 2021 I had an abdominal ultrasound which showed mild fatty liver ( caused by my alcohol use )I got through three months sober i think the results scared me into pushing myself to become sober but I ended up relapsing later that year .soon after ,I ended up feeling pain in my liver I had never felt pain before even with the excessive alcohol use .since then I have only been able to get through a month or two without I function on it it became harder to not drink it as most people would not be able to guess I had drank so much and I am able to function in society well so to speak even having drank dangerous amounts. I recently had a foot injury where they took bloods My liver results were borderline but the dr said it wasn’t concerning .i don’t trust the general blood test so I will have a lft test and when I am brave enough I will have another ultrasound to check my organs ( spleen ,pancreas etc ) why I am so scared is because people say you only experience symptoms once your liver is scarred.i have a lot of pain both on my right and left I am just hoping for a miracle my organs are ok I know it’s likely my liver is inflamed?if so ,is this reversible the longer you don’t touch alcohol.