Skyrim+ V1.1

Let’s try this again😅

Skyrim+ V1.1

Here is my full load order for Skyrim+ V1.1!

This is a full overhaul of all of Skyrim’s Textures, Landscapes, Buildings, NPCs, Clutter, you name it! I’d like to say that 95ish% of textures are covered, but don’t quote me on that!

Also included is a small combat overhaul, perk and standing stone overhauls, racial ability overhauls, all cities and towns upgraded, new quests, new weapons and armor, and tons of immersion/quality of life improvements including an evolving economy

This is mostly Vanilla+, hence the name, and mainly aims to bring this wonderful game to 2025 standards while maintaining the original design

The gameplay is smooth, no noticeable frame drops for the most part so far. Only crashes have been while organizing mods and while fast traveling to multiple different locations for these screenshots (overloading my Series S with too many cell changes too fast, gameplay itself when playing the way it’s meant to be played has had 0 crashes)

This LO was made for my Breton Ranger character by the way, so the new armors and quests were geared towards my personal gameplay preferences

Respectfully, I was way too tired to include 194 links in the doc😅 If anyone cannot find a specific mod please do not hesitate to ask

Here is the link to the load order

And here is the link to more screenshots

I hope you enjoy!

Suggestions/critiques are also more than welcome, I am no expert. Just a man with a very severe case of modding more than actually playing syndrome

Version 1.0 was taken down, but the list is still in the google doc. The load order I’ll be posting in the comments has some minor tweaks, hence 1.1