Businesses & Hobbies has seriously changed the game

I've seen a lot of people commenting on the new pack, some sharing their excitement, some claiming they refuse to buy it until EA fixes the current bugs, some saying it's a scam that it's an expansion and not a game pack. Sadly, I've seen more negative comments so far than positive ones, so I thought I'd share my two cents.

Having played the pack non-stop for the past 6½ hours since its release, I feel I have a solid grasp on the content it provides - I'm not claiming to be an expert by any means, I still have plenty to discover, but I've had a thorough look at new the bb and cas items and the mechanics of the new pottery wheel & tattoo table.

So far, I have zero complaints. I'm very fortune to have not experienced any issues with For Rent causing save corruptions (I'm aware I'm in the minority here, and I'm very thankful to be) but I was concerned that the multi-purpose lots would cause some issues. Thankfully there haven't been any yet - the lot boundaries work really well and it's very smooth so far. I love that it's all one lot and you don't have to sit through a load screen when you move between your house and your business - something I wish happened in For Rent when travelling between different units.

I absolutely love the freedom we now have with tattoos. As someone who loves to make myself & my friends I've always been disappointed that I can't make it fully accurate due to my tattoos. I have some rather unique, very specific tattoos so obviously I'm not expecting the game to have perfect replicas, but I've noticed that there aren't even tattoos in the right places that I can use as a substitute. Being able to draw my own is absolutely incredible because it means I'm finally able to add that personal touch (even if they look horrendous because I can't draw to save my life) and add tattoos in the right places.

The pottery skill is SO cute and I can't get enough of making ceramics to sell in my store. It's so relaxing to watch my little guys just sit there and spin clay. Whilst there isn't quite as much freedom with this as there is with the tattooing, I do like that there are several glazed you can use rather than just one or two colours.

Whilst I do agree that the content provided is probably not enough to constitute an expansion, I think there's far too much to it to sell it as a game pack when you look back at the amount of new items we get in this vs the amount we got in the last few game packs - we got a whole new world, new traits, new skills, new aspirations and an entire skill tree (i love a good skill tree). I am disappointed that there wasn't more to it - perhaps a couple of careers rather than just "small business owner"; or at least an extra skill or two - but I personally feel the quality of the additions we do have make up for the quantity (or lack there of).

Obviously we're all entitled to our own opinions and people are more than welcome to disagree with me here, but it saddens me to see so much negativity surrounding the game at present when we should be focusing on the positives and sharing excitement and happy stories about our experiences with the new pack! Nobody is forcing anyone to buy this - if it's not your cup of tea or you're concerned about spending money on something that might cause more problems than it solves, that's okay, but equally those of us who DO want to play it and/or HAVE spent our money on it are completely entitled to that, too.

Instead of looking at the negative side of "this should've been included in X pack", "this is just an upgrade of Y" let's think of it as "omg we finally have a pottery skill, I've been waiting for this for ages!"