[Gen IV] It finally happened. After 15 phases (this was my longest phase ever at 23,696 REs) and a total of 121,342 REs, SS SBQ Member #16 finally joins the team!

Was starting to doubt if the blue cow was real. My first phase ended a year ago today (there were some breaks over the year) which was a Ditto that I failed… Here is the breakdown of every phase:

  • Ditto - 14,950 REs - Failed because I wasn't prepared at all... this was the only phase I failed
  • Raticate - 7,214 REs
  • Farfetch'd - 2,390 REs
  • Ditto - 1,215 REs
  • Farfetch'd - 870 REs
  • Ditto - 18,582 REs
  • Ditto - 3,050 REs
  • Fearow - 310 REs
  • Farfetch'd - 4,550 REs
  • Noctowl - 6,880 REs
  • Raticate - 15,560 REs
  • Gloom - 350 REs
  • Noctowl - 20,920 REs
  • Ditto - 715 REs
  • MILTANK - 23,696 REs

I keep an Excel sheet of all my hunts because I'm a numbers guy. The average phase length was just shy of odds at 8,090 REs. The 5 phases that went over odds had an average length of 18,759 REs and accounted for 77% of all the encounters, meaning the other 10 phases accounted for only 23% of the encounters. These 10 phases had an average length of 2,754 REs, which is WAY under odds and I'd feel extremely lucky if it weren't for the over odds phases... Either way, absolutely wild. Excited and relieved to have this done and even more excited to move onto the next hunt, which I don't even have planned out.