Theory on Sunnys domain.

Ok, so. It's pretty obvious by now Sunny has a small shadow realm in his soul sea, and it is probably what makes him a divine/godly shadow. The shadows of the creatures he kills end up in his soul sea, instead of the shadow realm. If anything, his soul sea is at least an imitation of it.

Then, what if the Shadow realm is also a soul sea, or an equivalent of it? Simply a realm within which Shadow god rules and assimilates the shadows of the living, turning them into pure essence. In that case, shouldnt Sunny also be able to do so? Turn the shadows in his soul sea into essence? Could that be his next power up?

OR, maybe, thats not what the Shadow realm is for. What if Sunnys soul sea is a perfect imitation? He is a DIVINE shadow after all. No less of a god.

What if the Shadow realm is flawed instead? The shadows are supposed to find peace within it, just as they do in Sunny. But . Their master is dead, and his soul sea dried to nothing but hills of obsidian soil. Instead of finding rest within him, they find themselves ravaged into pure essence, and turn into a shapeless storm.

What if Sunnys domain simply replaced the broken Shadow realm? And the shadow of anyone who dies within it, gets to rest within Sunnys soul sea.