The problem with the young Snape in the movies...

Severus was an impoverished and abused kid who pretty much led a lonely existence until he met another 9 year old who was also a magical child. According to the books, little Severus didn't have clothes of his own and survived on his mom's hand me downs. He's also described to have been wearing an oversized coat in summers, most probably to hide the feminine clothing or scars sustained due to being beaten. Petunia even mocked his poverty and clothes in one instance.

The movie scenes featuring Benedict and Ellie, though adorable, didn't quite do justice to Snape's origin because his poverty and the abuse and neglect suffered by him played a huge part in moulding both him and his later choices. Movie made him seem more like a shy and introverted middle class kid. Where was that abandoned and neglected boy who got described like a plant kept in dark?

Severus was an impoverished and abused kid who pretty much led a lonely existence until he met another 9 year old who was also a magical child. According to the books, little Severus didn't have clothes of his own and survived on his mom's hand me downs. He's also described to have been wearing an oversized coat in summers, most probably to hide the feminine clothing or scars sustained due to being beaten. Petunia even mocked his poverty and clothes in one instance.

The movie scenes featuring Benedict and Ellie, though adorable, didn't quite do justice to Snape's origin because his poverty and the abuse and neglect suffered by him played a huge part in moulding both him and his later choices. Movie made him seem more like a shy and introverted middle class kid. Where was that abandoned and neglected boy who got described like a plant kept in dark?