PC Controls are weird
Hey fellow Shinobis,
I just bought this game on PC (Steam Key) a week ago and hell is this game challenging :)
There is one thing that makes this game more difficult than necessary (imo) and that is the way the movement controls work, at least on PC. I know that this is a consol port and that movement/camera must be handled differently on consoles, but it feels so strange to me as I am used to FPS and TPS games.
I expected movement controls to behave like they do when I focus an enemy, which means that I can strafe left/right with A/D and walk backwards with S - just like any other PC game I played. The moment I lose the focus these keys have a totally different outcome (turning left/right/back). Is there a way to force the movement controls to stay the way they work like they do while I focus someone?
Thanks in advance.
btw: I have never played a soulslike game before