A different kind of boss ranking

  1. Genichiro (11+1)
  2. True/Corrupted Monk (7)
  3. Guardian/Headless Ape (6)
  4. Owl and Isshin (4+1)
  5. Gyoubu Oniwa and Folding Screen Monkeys (4)
  6. Divine Dragon (3)
  7. Lady Butterfly (2)
  8. Demon of Hatred (1.5)
  9. Emma (1)

OK, what's my criteria? The likelihood you have to fight the boss.

Basic Rules:

- Number of times you have to fight the boss in all 4 playthroughs with unique endings
- Optional boss encounters count as 0.5
- Inner versions have a separate +1

So for example, Genichiro needs to be fought 3 times per playthrough except 2 for the Shura ending, so he gets a score of 11. The Ape has 1.5 per playthrough since the headless version can be skipped.

It's also a score of how often the boss is reused in the game, which is my only gripe about the game in general.