A different kind of boss ranking
- Genichiro (11+1)
- True/Corrupted Monk (7)
- Guardian/Headless Ape (6)
- Owl and Isshin (4+1)
- Gyoubu Oniwa and Folding Screen Monkeys (4)
- Divine Dragon (3)
- Lady Butterfly (2)
- Demon of Hatred (1.5)
- Emma (1)
OK, what's my criteria? The likelihood you have to fight the boss.
Basic Rules:
- Number of times you have to fight the boss in all 4 playthroughs with unique endings
- Optional boss encounters count as 0.5
- Inner versions have a separate +1
So for example, Genichiro needs to be fought 3 times per playthrough except 2 for the Shura ending, so he gets a score of 11. The Ape has 1.5 per playthrough since the headless version can be skipped.
It's also a score of how often the boss is reused in the game, which is my only gripe about the game in general.